Opening Hours
Outpatient Clinics
09:00 - 21:00
Ambulance and Emergency

Cardiac Catheterization

The Cardiac Catheterization Unit in Al-Qassim National Hospital is fully supplied with the latest and most advanced technology. This yields high visibility for the operator, which helps in evaluating cases accurately and thus facilitates precise and proper diagnosis and treatment.

Operations in the Catheterization Unit, for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, are carried out by a team of highly reputable and very experienced consultants in this field.

Catheterization is a procedure performed:

  • With Coronary Angiography, to diagnose the narrowing and blockage of coronary arteries (Diagnostic Coronary Angiography).
  • To diagnose narrowing or leakage of heart valves (left and right Cardiac Catheterization for Valvular Stenosis and Regurgitation).
  • To open narrowed valves using balloon dilatation without surgical operations (Valve Balloon Valvectomy).



Opening Hours
Outpatient Clinics
09:00 - 21:00
Ambulance and Emergency
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Phone: 016-3836100
طريق علي بن ابي طالب، حي الإسكان
Buraydah, SA 52384