Physiotherapy Center
The physiotherapy department provides a comprehensive scope of services to our patients.
Treated Cases:
- Post ACL Reconstruction and Meniscectomy.
- Low back pain (lumbar disc).
- Neck pain (cervical disc).
- Fractures.
- CVA (Cardiovascular Accident/Cardiovascular Diseases.
- CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).
- Total Hip Replacement (THA).
- Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis.
- Impingement Syndrome.
- Bell’s palsy.
Used Technology:
- Electrical Stimulator.
- Heat Modalities.
- Cold Modalities.
- Mechanical Traction.
- Ultrasound Machine.
- Vacuum Therapy.
- Shock Wave Diathermy.
- Therapeutic Exercise.
- Gymnastic Exercise.
- Taping Technique.
- Paraffin wax.